Is Mauritania safe?Group of tourists with Local Guides in Mauritania

Is Mauritania Safe? Travel Tips for Visitors

Tourism is still very limited in Mauritania; the country receives less than 100,000 tourists annually, ranking it among the least popular tourist destinations in the world. They might find it as a somewhat concealed nation, but it causes people to think whether this West African country is safe to visit. We will then try to find out if Mauritania is safe for tourists and what important measures one should take in order to have a safe vacation.

In this section,our Luxury travel agency will share information about the security situation, precautions, hazards, and things to avoid in Mauritania will be provided. Here, it is important to briefly state what this guide offers in an effort to help you reach the decision whether to visit or not. It is meant for only the dare devil as well as the conservative traveler. We will assist you in feeling comfortable as you enjoy the Mauritania tropical culture and natural geography.

Overview of Mauritania’s Safety Situation

Mauritania's Beaches

Generally, Mauritania can be considered as recently safe country, even though the nature of the threats varies depending on the region. The country has also suffered political instabilities and the vice of terrorism. Some of the information that applies to every traveler include crime, terrorism, and the political situation of Mauritania.

Mauritania in general and particularly the capital city Nouakchott, has relatively low incidents of crimes. However, it is mentioned that there are cases of pick pocketing and scams particularly in areas of tourists’ attraction. The people should also avoid kissing and embracing and should be careful with the strangers and crowded places.

It should be noted that terrorism is a problem in Mauritania. Still, attacks are possible despite being a rather uncommon event. Travelers should update themselves with the latest security news and always check on traveling advisories.

Stability in Political structure of Mauritania is not so stable. The country has experience in military coup and even have some issues for democracy. Tourists are advised to be cautious of the prevailing political situation, and avoid such regions or occasions that harbor such issues.

Is Mauritania Safe for Tourists?

Is Mauritania safe?Group of tourists with Local Guides in Mauritania

Determining whether Mauritania is safe for any tourists is not easy. The country has large security risks but at the same time there is opportunity for the courageous tourists. Two questions you should ask yourself are; what can go wrong? and what is in it for you?

Mauritania’s security is tricky. There are still teror groups up to date and some of them have attacked foreigners in the past. That is why, travelers should not lay back and relax and follow the words of local people. However, the security is relative, and cities such as the capital Nouakchott and other recreation areas should be relatively safe if one conducts himself or herself upright.

Also, the general structure of the tourism business in Mauritania is still developing; the situation can be rather challenging at times. There will be few lodges, few means of transport, and other services which will be of interest to a tourist. It would be wise to prepare adequate and think more to avoid having a bad trip.

Nevertheless, there are certain obstacles that any tourist visiting Mauritania can face However, Mauritania stands out by providing its tourists with rich cultural experience. There are great opportunities to admire Saharan vistas, get acquainted with the culture of the Berber people and Arabs, and engage in various kinds of recreation. This is therefore to say that whether or not to go to Mauritania is cumulative to individual thinking and how one would like to meet risky situations plus the ability to transform to the local living culture.

Travel Risks in Mauritania

Travel Risks in Mauritania

If you plan to pay a visit to Mauritania, that can be exciting, but when you know what dangers are awaiting then it is much better. There are potentials of terrorism and some political problems in the country, although in some regions. Ensure that you take a look at travel advisories and avoid the areas considered as dangerous.

Thus, movement within Mauritania is somewhat challenging because the roads are generally bad, and distances between locations are quite great. Alway select credible means of transport and expect the worst especially in cases of traffic jam.

Therefore, it will improve your trip if you learn and adhere to those cultural practices of the area you are visiting. Men should avoid wearing items of clothing with bright colors, excessive perfume, and should not touch women in public, while women should not wear very revealing clothing.

So, it would take measures to steer clear of those risks and therefore, get to embrace the true natural face as well as culture of Mauritania.

Health and Natural Disaster Risks

Health and Natural Disaster Risks

People who planning to visit Mauritania should have some information about Health and Hazard. Malaria and other diseases that are endemic to the tropical regions are often a problem in these countries.
Moreover, The threats include prospects of droughts, sandstorms and flooding in Mauritania. Adverse weather factors such as drought poses a great threat to people and structures. Follow the weather forecast and pay attention to the warnings of people in charge to stay safe. Also, ensure you have the appropriate attire, shoes that will not easily give in, and other protective clothes.

Taking preventive measures concerning your health and observing situations likely to lead to disasters will also help secure your enjoyment of Mauritania. Consult your doctor before going and acquire knowledge on the prevailing conditions. Thus, you can make rational decisions and avoid becoming a victim of a crime.

Areas to Avoid in Mauritania

Areas to Avoid in Mauritania

Each time you plan to travel to Mauritania, it is always wise to know areas to avoid or areas that are insecure for tourists. Do not go north or east of the country. The above areas are prone to kidnappings, acts of terrorism, and other incidents of insecurity.

The Sahara Desert particularly in the northern parts of Mauritania is however very hazardous. One should not consider travelling to this region but should rather visit safer regions, perhaps on the coast or in the capital city, which is Nouakchott.

Again, avoid the borders with Mali and Algeria. These areas are the unsafe parts of Mauritania. They have had political issues and military instabilities meaning they are very unsafe for the visitors.

It is always useful to know the sort of areas that you should not go to in a country, and this is why this section has been provided. So the tips described below will help you have a rather safe and amusing time in this fascinating North African country.

Is Mauritania Safe? Travel Tips and Precautions

Mauritania Safe Travel Tips and Precautions

To some extent, one has to plan for the journey when going to Mauritania; however, with the right advice and measures taken, one can have a wonderful time as well as being safe. We will assist in packing and guiding on aspects that may offend the locals so that your experience in Mauritania will be memorable and safe.

When entering Mauritanian culture one has to familiarize with the traditions of this country and accept them. Impose respect within politeness, do not show affection in public, and be selective on stones in religious places. These actions assist you in presenting a positive image or a non-threatening image when in a group hence making the trip safe and fun.

To avoid danger in Mauritania, one should consult the current travel protocols and should avoid dangerous spots. Avoid stray off the trails and consider hiring a guide familiar with the area. I have always found that they can be very helpful in giving advice and really making your trip that much easier.

The following travel tips and safety measures should help you to tour Mauritania and at the same time keep safe. Some precautions taken and flexibility will definitely gold you to a safe and best unforgettable trip in this North African country.

Travel Advisories and Resources

Travel Advisories and Resources

One should ensure that they remain updated especially while in Mauritania. The travel advisory is issued by the US Department of State and other related agencies. These advisories are about security, risk, crime, health and other calamities.

It is also easier now to learn more on how to keep safe as there are more sources. The WHO and the CDC provide details on health and the vaccines. Travel blogs and forums are what people can read, and they suggest real-life experiences and recommendations.


Mauritania has an unstable security situation which poses a threat on any traveller. Some areas are filled with risks while other areas are culturally rich and have many interesting things to do in Mauritania. This way, awareness of safety and risk enables us make the necessary decision as to whether or not to pay a visit.

If you are planning to travel to Mauritania or you just want to gain some knowledge about the place, see to it that you should always follow travel warnings and precaution. Thus, our trip is enjoyable and safe at the same time.

Whoever wants to visit Mauritania has the right to do so. In this blog, our Luxury travel agent has shared the action planning  should follow these steps: Risks and Benefits Analysis.Furthermore, through research, and good planning, it is possible to travel to this interesting country in Africa and have a safe, and enjoyable time.

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